Carom Friday + All Female Cooking Class

Our company is big and progressive. But that does not mean the employees are all workaholic. Employees learn to have fun on the side in order to put behind their stress. And all have agreed that Friday is the best day for any kind of activity such as   Double...

Selamat Hari Raya from Geocrete

To all visitors and clients, Geocrete would like to wish you all a Selamat Hari Raya. Below is a video to show our warm welcome to all clients and colleagues to an open house located at our office

Kuching eye 12th straight victory

KUCHING: The Kuching Division Table Tennis Association (KDTTA) is looking to capture a 12th consecutive title at the 52nd Sarawak Tan Sri Datuk Jimmy Lau Hieng Wui Table Tennis Championship at the Miri Indoor Stadium from Dec 7-12. They are fielding a very strong contingent of 45...

Geo Crete’s CEO bags two Global Awards

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  Emerging road construction player, Geo Crete Specialist Sdn Bhd’s (Geo Crete) chief executive officer Abdul Aziz Hassan was bestowed two major honours last Sunday evening. CONGRATULATIONS: Aziz receives the Global Award for the Gold Winner category from Chor while...